Operation Albion
So many believe post Jutland the High Seas Fleet sulked in its bases scared of its own shadow, something we all know not to be true. Let's take one example of how the fleet still had some sharp teeth left after three years of war. In October 1917 the Germans executed a naval operation in the Baltic's Gulf of Riga. Russia was in the midst of revolutionary times and the army was equally disorganized, mutinous and large numbers were deserting to return to their homes. The choas allowed the German land forces to resume their advance eastwards and they captured both Riga and Dünamünde during early September. These success greatly enlarged the area of Courland coast then under German control, but it also turned the German eyes towards the prizes of Ösel and the other islands located within the Gulf of Riga. Russian naval forces retained control of the gulf, which exposed the left flank of the German army, along with the coast line to naval...